Showing posts with label worksheets.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label worksheets.. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2024

Usage of words 1 - की/कि में अंतर

 This post is to clear the doubts students and parents have about the usage of certain terms in the Hindi language.

Many students during online classes requested me to clear certain doubts on the use of की/कि, में/मैं,पर, है/हैं, अनुस्वार(अं)/अनुनासिक (चंद्रबिंदु).


की और कि में अंतर

की – of / ..’s  - possessive noun

कि – that / or - conjunction/connector

की – of / ..’s

(A possessive noun which is identified by an apostrophe and the letter “s” )

·       ‘की’ का प्रयोग संज्ञा य सर्वनाम शब्दों का दूसरी संज्ञा शब्दों से संबंध बताते हैं।

 eg.  Ram’s book.          राम की किताब


·       ‘की’ के बाद स्त्रीलिंग शब्द (feminine gender) आता है।

 eg. -  पिताजी की दुकान (स्त्रीलिंग)

      राम की बहन (स्त्रीलिंग)


·       सर्वनाम के बाद आने पर ‘की’ उस सर्वनाम के साथ जुड़ जाता है।

   आपकी,  उनकी, उसकी, जिसकी, जिनकी .....

   eg. – आपकी कार कहाँ खड़ी है?

        उसकी किताब खो गई।


·       संज्ञा शब्द के बाद ‘की’ अलग लिखा जाता है।

 eg. – रामू की साइकिल .....



‘कि’ – that / or

(A conjunction/connector joining two phrases or sentences.)


·       ‘कि’(connector) का प्रयोग दो वाक्यों या वाक्यांशों को जोड़ने के लिए किया जाता है।

 eg. - रीना ने कहा कि वह बाज़ार जा रही है।


·       ‘कि’ का प्रयोग क्रिया (verb) के बाद होता है।

 eg. - माँ ने कहा कि वह रसोई बना रही है।


·       ‘कि’ का प्रयोग प्रश्नसूचक के रूप में विभाजन (या)  (separative) के लिए भी किया जाता है।

 eg. – तुम स्कूल जाओगे कि (या) नहीं?

     तुम बंगाल से हो कि (या) उड़ीसा से?


·       ‘कि’ संयोजक के अन्य रूप ....

   क्योंकि, न कि, बल्कि, ताकि....

  eg. – लगन से पढ़ो ताकि पास हो सको।

      मैं परीक्षा न दे सकी क्योंकि मैं बीमार थी।

      काले बादल घिरे हैं लेकिन वर्षा नहीं हो रही।

I hope the doubts are cleared with the above explanation. For any other queries on this topic please leave a comment in the comment section. I’m uploading two simple worksheets on the usage of की/कि.

  Your opinions and suggestions are most welcome. Happy teaching!!!

Friday, June 4, 2021

Kriya (Verb) 2 - Classes 1,2,3

 When we start introducing Kriya (Verb) at the Preparatory or The

 primary level, then the first and foremost is to tell them the meaning

 of the word with some examples so that they remember the term

 while relating to it.

Initially, we must just teach them the action words with the help of pictures and matching/fill in the blanks sentences.

It is very important to tell them that any work done can be measured in three different timings….. Work done - past / doing now - present / would do – future.

This way they become familiar with the basic three tenses – Present tense (वर्तमान काल), Past tense (भूतकाल) and Future tense (भविष्यत् काल).

The worksheets I’m uploading in this post is for classes 1,2,3. Parents/teachers can create more worksheets for their kids/students.

Your suggestions, opinions are most welcome. Happy teaching!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Kriya ( Verb ) - 2 The action words for Preschool

Before kids are taught formal grammar, they should be introduced to the basics of grammar by play way method in group activities. e.g.- Sangya- naming words (Noun), Kriya – action words (Verbs). Visheshan- describing words (Adjectives). There are many interesting activities to introduce the basics of grammar at the preschool level.

The play way group activity engages them practically so that they remember the topic introduced that action word describes something which a person can do.
·       Form a small group of kids and ask them to come up in front of the classroom and perform certain acts, e.g. walk, hop, read, write, laugh, colouring, sing, eat, talk, see, listen, sleep etc. Ask the rest of the class what they are doing and give a word to that action. This way we can introduce the concept of action words.
·       Ask them to draw pictures or paste pictures of different actions from magazines and make their own Kriya(verb) flash/index cards and tell the class which action they have drawn individually.
·       We can write the word for each action word in each flashcard.
Since they have already been introduced to the concept of Sangya (Noun), they should be encouraged to form short sentences with a noun and the action word.  
These are a few simple activities for introducing Kriya (verb). Your suggestions are most welcome. Happy teaching !!!!


Friday, August 2, 2019

Preparatory School - Varnamala (Swar Vyanjan ) 2 - Vyanjan

In pictorial Varnamala 2 Vyanjans or consonants have been covered. In Hindi Vyanjan (Consonants) are 33.

        क वर्ग          -  क ख ग घ ङ   

        च वर्ग          -  च छ ज झ ञ

        ट वर्ग          -  ट ठ ड ढ ण (ड़ ढ़)

        त वर्ग          -  त थ द ध न

        प वर्ग          -  प फ ब भ म

        अंत:स्थल वर्ग    -  य र ल व

        ऊष्म वर्ग             -  श ष स ह

               संयुक्त वर्ग      -  क्ष त्र ज्ञ

In pictorial Varnamala 2 – Vyanjan, each alphabet has more than one picture identifying with one particular varna (alphabet) and kids should be encouraged to probe and find more objects as it not only improves their vocabulary but also improves their observation power. 




Happy Teaching !!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Fun with words – 2 One/Many - ( एक/अनेक )

While kids are busy learning to tackle the language exercises in different ways, here is another set of colourful pictorial worksheets about the concept of singular/plural ( एक/अनेक )

The learning objective is to familiarize them with the concept of one/many and also the naming words, noun. 
They should be encouraged to pronounce the words loudly while matching them.

Later this group activity can be shifted to the collection of objects, counting and writing the number while identifying the names. They should be encouraged to speak loudly the singular and the plural form of the objects. 

Our role as a parent/tutor is very important in these formative years. Kids come up with different queries and our patience pays off when we are able to satisfy their curiosity. 

Your valuable suggestions are most welcome. Happy Teaching!!!!




Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Swar Vyanjan - Words with matra of ai, aie (ए / ऐ )

The last two set of matras are left to be tackled, one is ai/ aie (ए / ऐ ) ki matra. 

The words included in practice sheets are common words of our vocabulary.  Kids can identify the pictures easily in the pictorial worksheets and with little guidance, they would start writing the alphabets, correct matras in the given blanks to complete the words.

Your suggestions are most welcome, feel free to ask for the printable worksheets in the PDF format.



Sunday, September 30, 2018

Swar Vyanjan - Words with matra of A, Aa ( अ, आ )

Simple words with matra of A and Aa are the easiest to begin writing the words. Kids often find it stressful to write the alphabets and then pronounce the word.
Alphabet A ( v ) doesn’t have any matra, in fact, all the alphabets – Vyanjans ( d & K ) end with the sound/ pronunciation of A ( v ).

This fact has to be made very clear to the little minds while practising that all the Vyanjan alphabets have matra of A ( ). Little attentive minds remember the clear instructions when reminded often.

 These pictorial worksheets help the kids to identify the picture and then with little guidance they start writing the correct alphabets in the given blanks to complete the words.

I’m sure kids would love trying these colourful worksheets. All the words have been carefully selected from the daily usage words of spoken Hindi.
Happy teaching !!!!!!

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