Showing posts with label varnamala. Show all posts
Showing posts with label varnamala. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Pronunciation of Swar Vyanjan - Swar 2

This is the second post on the requested topic of the pronunciation of Hindi alphabets and words. I am uploading the pictorial worksheets based on varnamala – Swar.

The words corresponding with each alphabet (Swar) are easy to follow with symbols. These symbols are just for extra information to help you understand the sound of these alphabets/words.

I have tried to make the pronunciation simple with the help of IPA/ Transliteration symbols.

I am hoping that these pictorial worksheets would be helpful in teaching the kids how to pronounce the Hindi words.

If you are visiting my blog and feel that the worksheets are useful for your kids, then please hit the follow button and leave a comment. I would love to have feedback. Happy teaching!!!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Primary school - Swar Vyanjan - Matra Visarg (अ:)

The origin of vowel अ: is from Brahmi. It is used as a matra with Swar and Vyanjan but is not written in its original form like other vowels like अं,आँ ….

Matra of अ: appears frequently in Sanskrit texts/words. Sanskrit words (तत्सम शब्दwhich often appear in Hindi  have matra of अ:.

·  Matra of अ: resembles the punctuation mark colon (:). So it should not be confused with the colon.

·    Pronunciation of अ: is ‘ah’ or ‘ih’ preceding the vowel.

     देव: - दे + व् + + अ: - देव:      (ah)
             ईश: - ई + श् + + अ: - ईश:     (ah)
            गुरु: - गु + र् + + अ: - गुरु:       (u ah)
            मति: - म + त् + इ + अ: - मति:  (ih)

I am uploading worksheets with some information about the use of vowel 'अ:'. Hope it is helpful to parents and kids to understand the matra of ‘Visarg'.
Happy teaching!!!!!



Friday, April 17, 2020

Primary School (Class 4,5,6) - 2 Swar, Vyanjan, Matra

In every language, the correct pronunciation of words is very important. Hindi is not like English where words come from different languages and have different pronunciations. In Hindi, we write what we pronounce, so if we pronounce a word correctly we would write it correctly.
Children should be encouraged to read books, consult dictionaries. These habits improve their vocabulary, spellings and help them in creative writing too.
In Hindi Varnmala certain alphabets and matras need special attention, e.g. अं/अँ, ड/ढ, ड/ड़, ड़/ढ़, ओ/औ, ए/ऐ, उ/ऊ ….
I am uploading the worksheets for Primary school kids. It  would be an interesting exercise for elders too.

Such a variety of exercises not only helps kids to be observant but they keep revising the varnamala (alphabets) and matras.
Happy teaching !!!!!



Friday, August 2, 2019

Preparatory School - Varnamala (Swar Vyanjan ) 2 - Vyanjan

In pictorial Varnamala 2 Vyanjans or consonants have been covered. In Hindi Vyanjan (Consonants) are 33.

        क वर्ग          -  क ख ग घ ङ   

        च वर्ग          -  च छ ज झ ञ

        ट वर्ग          -  ट ठ ड ढ ण (ड़ ढ़)

        त वर्ग          -  त थ द ध न

        प वर्ग          -  प फ ब भ म

        अंत:स्थल वर्ग    -  य र ल व

        ऊष्म वर्ग             -  श ष स ह

               संयुक्त वर्ग      -  क्ष त्र ज्ञ

In pictorial Varnamala 2 – Vyanjan, each alphabet has more than one picture identifying with one particular varna (alphabet) and kids should be encouraged to probe and find more objects as it not only improves their vocabulary but also improves their observation power. 




Happy Teaching !!!!!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Primary school (Class 1,2,3) – 1 Swar, Vyanjan, Matra

This section of worksheets has jumbled up words and kids have to separate the words as per the instructions given in the sheets.

 These graded worksheets are designed keeping in view that group learning is very effective as it enables kids to improve their thinking skills, motivates them to work in a team, develop communication skills.

Now is the time for the parents/tutors to have patience with little- ones and encourage them to tackle the exercises on their own without fear of failure.

Kids are very observant and once they succeed with one or two exercises rest would be very easy for them to tackle.

Such variety of exercises not only helps them to be observant but they keep revising the varnamala (alphabets) and matras.

I have uploaded some worksheets here in image form, for more such printable worksheets in pdf format please feel free to get in touch. Happy teaching !!!!!


Monday, December 17, 2018

Fun with words - 1 Hindi rhyming words ( समान तुक वाले शब्द )

Rhyming words are a great way of learning a language. They help a child to learn new words. It’s fun to learn in a group activity.

While kids do these practice sheets, parents/tutors should make it a point to discuss the meaning of all the rhyming words.

It is not necessary that all words make sense; sometimes nonsensical words are also included in the play way activity.

Some sheets are in the form of the pictorial rhyming words, the words of the images rhyme and kids have to match the correct rhyming pics.

There are total 15 worksheets in this section, I’ve uploaded a few sheets for the reader’s perusal. Please get in touch for the printable worksheets in pdf format. Happy teaching!!!!!



Monday, December 10, 2018

Pictorial worksheets – Make sentences (Vakaya banao)

This section is all about making sentences with the help of images in place of words in a sentence.

These are graded worksheets based on the words taken up in practice sheets of matras.

Kids have to write the word in place of the images given in the sentences and complete the sentence and rewrite it.

There are 23 sheets, with ten sentences each but here only one part of a few sheets are uploaded for the reader’s perusal. Kindly get in touch for the printable sheets in pdf format. Happy teaching!!!!

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