Showing posts with label Verb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Verb. Show all posts

Friday, June 4, 2021

Kriya (Verb) 4 - Class 4,5,6,7


In this last post on the topic Verb, I’m uploading worksheets on Compound verb (संयुक्त क्रिया), Nominal verb (नाममधातु क्रिया ), Causative verb (प्रेरणार्थक क्रिया), Incomplete verb (पूर्वकालिक क्रिया) etc.

Each worksheet has instructions at the footer section to make it easy for parents/teachers to follow.

In case of queries feel free to get in touch. Happy teaching!!!

Kriya (Verb) 2 - Classes 1,2,3

 When we start introducing Kriya (Verb) at the Preparatory or The

 primary level, then the first and foremost is to tell them the meaning

 of the word with some examples so that they remember the term

 while relating to it.

Initially, we must just teach them the action words with the help of pictures and matching/fill in the blanks sentences.

It is very important to tell them that any work done can be measured in three different timings….. Work done - past / doing now - present / would do – future.

This way they become familiar with the basic three tenses – Present tense (वर्तमान काल), Past tense (भूतकाल) and Future tense (भविष्यत् काल).

The worksheets I’m uploading in this post is for classes 1,2,3. Parents/teachers can create more worksheets for their kids/students.

Your suggestions, opinions are most welcome. Happy teaching!

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Kriya (Verb) 1 - Classes 1 - 6


The grammatical terms e.g, Sangya (uke)- naming words (Noun), Kriya (dke) – action words (Verbs). Visheshan (fo”ks’k xq.k)- describing words (Adjectives) etc …. should be introduced skillfully because kids, in general, are scared of these formal terms of grammar. They should always be introduced in the play-way/practical method.

The basic aim of teaching any subject is that kids should enjoy the learning process, should retain the knowledge, and make practical use of it.

In the previous post on Verb (Kriya) for preschool kids, I had introduced some worksheets on action words. I’m sharing the link to that post below.

In this post, I’m sharing some written material for parents/teachers to make this topic easy to teach kids. It can be used for Primary as well as higher classes too

Hope it is helpful to understand Verb (Kriya) Do share your experience and suggestions. Happy teaching!!!!!


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Kriya ( Verb ) - 2 The action words for Preschool

Before kids are taught formal grammar, they should be introduced to the basics of grammar by play way method in group activities. e.g.- Sangya- naming words (Noun), Kriya – action words (Verbs). Visheshan- describing words (Adjectives). There are many interesting activities to introduce the basics of grammar at the preschool level.

The play way group activity engages them practically so that they remember the topic introduced that action word describes something which a person can do.
·       Form a small group of kids and ask them to come up in front of the classroom and perform certain acts, e.g. walk, hop, read, write, laugh, colouring, sing, eat, talk, see, listen, sleep etc. Ask the rest of the class what they are doing and give a word to that action. This way we can introduce the concept of action words.
·       Ask them to draw pictures or paste pictures of different actions from magazines and make their own Kriya(verb) flash/index cards and tell the class which action they have drawn individually.
·       We can write the word for each action word in each flashcard.
Since they have already been introduced to the concept of Sangya (Noun), they should be encouraged to form short sentences with a noun and the action word.  
These are a few simple activities for introducing Kriya (verb). Your suggestions are most welcome. Happy teaching !!!!


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