Thursday, September 19, 2024

Usage of words 2 - मैं/में /पर में अंतर

This second post is to clear the doubts students and parents have about the usage of में/पर,मैं in the Hindi language.


मैं और में/पर में अंतर


मैं – पुरुषवाचक सर्वनाम (उत्तम पुरुष) (Personal Pronoun -first  person)

में/पर –  अधिकरण कारक ( Locative case – it roughly corresponds to English prepositions in, on, at and by indicating location either physical or temporal)

·          में – (शाब्दिक अर्थ/literal meaning) – अंदर, भीतर, बीच का


·       पर – (शाब्दिक अर्थ/literal meaning) –  ऊपर

In the Hindi language, the use of में/पर at times can be confusing but discretion is required while using these two terms.

में (in)    a. It is used to describe a position within an area.

        eg. -    मछली पानी में तैर रही है।

            आकाश में तारे चमक रहे हैं।

            मैं दिल्ली में रहती हूँ।

            पिताजी अभी बाज़ार में हैं।

            कपड़े अलमारी में रखे हैं।

               b. Also as a preposition of time.

   eg. -      भैया रात में पढ़ता है।

            दिसम्बर में ठंड पड़ती है।

            रामू का जन्म 1966 में हुआ था।

  पर (at) a. Used as a preposition of location and time. 

          b. Something is on the surface when talking of time.   

    eg. -       माँ घर पर है।

            ट्रेन स्टेशन पर खड़ी है।

            तोता पेड़ पर बैठा है।

            छत पर चोर छिपा है।    

मैं (I) Pronoun used for the subject (बोलने वाला)

eg. -  मैं स्कूल जा रहा हूँ।

     मैं पिता का आदर करता हूँ।

I hope the doubts are cleared with the above explanation. For any other queries on this topic, please leave a comment in the comment section. I’m uploading two simple worksheets on the usage of में/पर, मैं

Your opinions and suggestions are most welcome. Happy teaching!!!



Monday, August 19, 2024

Usage of words 1 - की/कि में अंतर

 This post is to clear the doubts students and parents have about the usage of certain terms in the Hindi language.

Many students during online classes requested me to clear certain doubts on the use of की/कि, में/मैं,पर, है/हैं, अनुस्वार(अं)/अनुनासिक (चंद्रबिंदु).


की और कि में अंतर

की – of / ..’s  - possessive noun

कि – that / or - conjunction/connector

की – of / ..’s

(A possessive noun which is identified by an apostrophe and the letter “s” )

·       ‘की’ का प्रयोग संज्ञा य सर्वनाम शब्दों का दूसरी संज्ञा शब्दों से संबंध बताते हैं।

 eg.  Ram’s book.          राम की किताब


·       ‘की’ के बाद स्त्रीलिंग शब्द (feminine gender) आता है।

 eg. -  पिताजी की दुकान (स्त्रीलिंग)

      राम की बहन (स्त्रीलिंग)


·       सर्वनाम के बाद आने पर ‘की’ उस सर्वनाम के साथ जुड़ जाता है।

   आपकी,  उनकी, उसकी, जिसकी, जिनकी .....

   eg. – आपकी कार कहाँ खड़ी है?

        उसकी किताब खो गई।


·       संज्ञा शब्द के बाद ‘की’ अलग लिखा जाता है।

 eg. – रामू की साइकिल .....



‘कि’ – that / or

(A conjunction/connector joining two phrases or sentences.)


·       ‘कि’(connector) का प्रयोग दो वाक्यों या वाक्यांशों को जोड़ने के लिए किया जाता है।

 eg. - रीना ने कहा कि वह बाज़ार जा रही है।


·       ‘कि’ का प्रयोग क्रिया (verb) के बाद होता है।

 eg. - माँ ने कहा कि वह रसोई बना रही है।


·       ‘कि’ का प्रयोग प्रश्नसूचक के रूप में विभाजन (या)  (separative) के लिए भी किया जाता है।

 eg. – तुम स्कूल जाओगे कि (या) नहीं?

     तुम बंगाल से हो कि (या) उड़ीसा से?


·       ‘कि’ संयोजक के अन्य रूप ....

   क्योंकि, न कि, बल्कि, ताकि....

  eg. – लगन से पढ़ो ताकि पास हो सको।

      मैं परीक्षा न दे सकी क्योंकि मैं बीमार थी।

      काले बादल घिरे हैं लेकिन वर्षा नहीं हो रही।

I hope the doubts are cleared with the above explanation. For any other queries on this topic please leave a comment in the comment section. I’m uploading two simple worksheets on the usage of की/कि.

  Your opinions and suggestions are most welcome. Happy teaching!!!

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Kaal (Tense) - 2. Primary classes (Class 1,2,3)

 This is the second post on tenses (काल). As teachers/parents/guides, we know that time and tense are two different concepts. But we have to teach/explain to the kids, in simple words, that time is a natural concept whereas the tense connects time with the form of the verb which expresses time. The verb refers to the flow of time, as to when the action took place.

In this post on tenses (काल), I am posting some worksheets for matching the sentences. Once kids can identify the actions of different times and are familiar with the three tenses, they can work with the written sentences.

 I’m hopeful they enjoyed the pictorial worksheets and could frame the sentences. This post would clear any doubts they have regarding tenses and the change in spellings and matras (मात्रा).

Your suggestions and opinions are most welcome. Happy teaching !!!!

Monday, August 14, 2023

Kaal (Tense) - 1. Primary classes (Class 1,2,3)

 The primary aim of teaching any subject is that kids should enjoy the learning process retain the knowledge, and make practical use of it.

 Kids use tenses in their day-to-day conversation but they have to be made aware of the basics of grammatical terms which they use unconsciously.

Many exciting activities were suggested in the previous posts to introduce the basics of grammar at the preschool/primary level. The main aim to introduce the playway group activity is to engage kids so that they remember the topic introduced.

In the previous posts, worksheets were introduced to acquaint kids with naming words – nouns (sangya), action words –verbs (Kriya), describing words – adjectives (visheshan – विशेष गुण)

Kids have already learnt that verbs (Kriya) are action words, describing an action or what is happening.

While introducing tenses (ाल) it has to be mentioned that it is all about time. When an action is happening/ has happened or would happen.

·       The simple activity for kids is to ask them -

  •          What work/activity did they perform before coming to school? (Past tense)
  • ·       What actions are they performing now? (Present tense)
  • ·       What work/activity would they perform after reaching home (Future tense)

After one or two sessions of discussion on the actions performed in different time periods, we tell them that

  • · What already has happened is the past tense,
  • · What is happening right now is the present tense
  • · What will happen is the future tense

In the Hindi language at the basic level we teach three tenses –

  • ·       Past tense – भूतकाल verb used is था/थी/थे
  • ·       Present tense – वर्तमान काल verb used is है/हैं/हूं
  • ·       Future tense – भविष्यत् काल verb used is गा/गी/गे

The names are tongue twisters for kids to remember but parents/teachers/guides have to devise some playway method for little ones to identify the tense-काल and remember the name.

In this post, I’m uploading the worksheets for classes 1,2,3, in pictorial form to complete the sentences orally first. Parents and teachers can create more worksheets for their kids/students.

Your suggestions and opinions are most welcome. Happy teaching!!




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