

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Visheshan (Adjective) - Primary school (classes 1,2,3)

 Adjectives are known as Visheshan ( विशेष गुण) in Hindi.

Visheshan is ‘describing words’ which describe a person, place, thing or state. In other words, they describe the action, state, quality or quantity of nouns/pronouns.

It’s important to remember that the noun word associated with an adjective is called विशेष्य.

Without the presence of a noun word or विशेष्य, the use of adjectives is worthless.

In Primary classes, we introduce four types of Adjectives –

1.   गुणवाचक विशेषण (Adjective of Quality)

2.   संख्यावाचक विशेषण (Adjective of Number)

3.   परिमाणवाचक विशेषण (Adjective of Quantity)

4.   सार्वनामिक/संकेतवाचक विशेषण (Demonstrative Adjective )

Earlier I had posted about Adjectives/Visheshan for Preparatory classes. I’m sharing the link to that post…

In this post I am uploading notes along with the practice worksheets to help the teachers/parents to help their kids to understand the concept of Adjectives /Visheshan

In case of any queries feel free to get in touch. Happy teaching!!!!

Monday, January 10, 2022

Reading Hindi with IPA symbols - Preparatory/Primary school - u[ʊ] उ, oo/ ū [ʊ:] ऊ

 In this post is the reading matter of - u[ʊ] and ū [ʊ:]  matra words and sentences with IPA symbols to help non-Hindi speaking kids.

     – u[ʊ] is short  "u" in put, push, pull. (short vowel)

    - oo, ū[ʊ:] as the sound of  long "u/oo” in soon, spoon, foo(Long vowel)


I point it out again while helping the kids to read, keep the following two points in mind....

·       👀Many consonants which are part of the Hindi language do not exist in English. ड़/ढ़ are difficult to pronounce in English.

·    👀   Following consonants with a नुक्ता (dot) under the alphabet is part of Urdu and Persian words. eg. क़लाम, ख़ान, ग़ैर जहाज़, ज़ीरा, फ़नकार

           क़      ख़      ग़      ज़      फ़     ड़      ढ़

          [q]     [x]      [ɣ]     [z]      [f]     [ɽ]    [ɽʱ]    (IPL)

If you are visiting my blog and feel that the worksheets are useful for your kids, then please hit the follow button and leave a comment. I would love to have feedback. Happy teaching !!!