

Friday, June 4, 2021

Kriya (Verb) 2 - Classes 1,2,3

 When we start introducing Kriya (Verb) at the Preparatory or The

 primary level, then the first and foremost is to tell them the meaning

 of the word with some examples so that they remember the term

 while relating to it.

Initially, we must just teach them the action words with the help of pictures and matching/fill in the blanks sentences.

It is very important to tell them that any work done can be measured in three different timings….. Work done - past / doing now - present / would do – future.

This way they become familiar with the basic three tenses – Present tense (वर्तमान काल), Past tense (भूतकाल) and Future tense (भविष्यत् काल).

The worksheets I’m uploading in this post is for classes 1,2,3. Parents/teachers can create more worksheets for their kids/students.

Your suggestions, opinions are most welcome. Happy teaching!

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