

Friday, October 23, 2020

Number (वचन) (1) - Primary classes 1,2,3

In Hindi language Vachan (Number) is a grammatical term denoting number category of noun, pronoun –

 Singular (एकवचन) is used when the noun refers to one object/person/place or thing.

Plural (बहुवचन) is used when a noun refers to more than one object/person/place or thing.

There are certain rules regarding the use of Vachan (Number). I have shared a worksheet with the details and other pictorial worksheets are categorized as per the different rules of changing a singular form to plural.

In this first post on Vachan(number) for classes 1,2,3 I’ve only taken up the masculine gender(पुल्लिंग) words ending with the matra ‘आ’. It follows a simple rule, the matra ‘आ’is replaced by matra ए.

eg. लड़का - लड़के ,   चूहा – चूहे,   बस्ता – बस्ते

Important to note that changing a noun word from singular form to plural in a sentence, the verb also changes to plural.

Eg. लड़का खेल रहा है।  -  लड़के खेल रहे हैं

Note – Many a time’s parents have argued over the use of है/हैं.

है – is         हैं – are

लड़का खेल रहा है।  - The boy is playing

लड़के खेल रहे हैं     -  The boys are playing.

Hope the worksheets are helpful for your kids. Kindly follow the blog and leave your comments in the comment box or connect via email.

Happy teaching!!!