

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Gender - Primary classes 1,2,3

Before we introduce the grammatical term, gender ( लिंग) it is important to point it out to the kids that-

· Every object, person, place, expression, state, thing – animate or inanimate has a name. It's grammatical term is  noun.

· Every noun is assigned to two grammatical genders, masculine – पुल्लिंग and feminine – स्त्रीलिंग. Unlike Sanskrit, there is no neuter gender – नपुंसकलिंग in the Hindi  language

·   At this stage give some examples of common objects in sentence form –

लड़का बैठा है। ( पु.)

    किताब फट गई। (स्त्री.)

    गिलास गिर गया। (पु.)

·    Point it out to them that they have already been using the terms पुल्लिंग/ स्त्रीलिंग informally.

·    When we ask them to identify an object as to their gender – पुल्लिंग/ स्त्रीलिंग, encourage them to form a simple sentence so they can easily identify its gender.

·      It is important to point it out to them that in a sentence, words related to the noun like determiners, pronouns, adjectives, verbs change their form according to the gender of the noun they refer to. e.g.-

     छाता हवा में उड़ गया। ( पु.)

             छतरी हवा में उड़ गई। (स्त्री.)

At the early level of primary classes, it is important they identify, pronounce and learn the spelling of  पुल्लिंग/ स्त्रीलिंग. I am uploading pictorial worksheets and hope they are helpful to parents and fellow teachers.

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