

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Primary School (class 1,2,3) - Sangya (Noun)

In the Hindi language, the meaning of word ‘Sangya’ is ‘name’. Children of Primary and Secondary school learn that Sangya or Noun is a naming word which identifies people, places, things and also expresses ideas, qualities, emotions, state of being etc.
In lower primary classes, kids are taught three kinds of nouns -
व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा (Proper noun) - Names of a specific person, place, languages, rivers, mountains etc. e.g. India, Delhi, Hindi, Urdu, Ganges, Kaveri, Himalayas, A.P.J Abdul Kalam. 

जातिवाचक संज्ञा (Common noun) - It's a generic name of a person, place or a thing in a class or group. e.g. man, women, boys, girls, animals, birds, rivers etc.

भाववाचक संज्ञा (Abstract noun)- It refers to things that are immaterial and abstract in nature. We can feel it, sense it but cannot hold it as a concrete object. e.g. anger, happiness, joy, fear etc.
I am uploading worksheets explaining ‘Sangya’ and its types. This first set of worksheets is simple. These pictorial worksheets are for lower primary classes.

Teachers and parents are the best guides to give them a helping hand in understanding the concepts of grammar.

Happy teaching !!!




  1. Replies
    1. 1 नाम लिखो - 1.रामम,, सुमन 2.गाय, घोड़ा,3.पीपल,बरगद, 4.गर्मी, सर्दी, 5.नागपुर, जयपुर
      2.जातिवााचक संज्ञा भरो -1.बंदर,मगर,दोस्त 2.पेड़,कोयल 3.धोबी,गधा 4.घर,नदी 5.लड़़का,मंदिर
      3.जातिवााचक संज्ञा चुनकर भरो- 1.मोर,2.पेड़,3.शेर,4.मुर्गा 5.आम

  2. Worksheet 18 ka answer I want

  3. Replies
    1. जातिवाचक संज्ञा

  4. Replies
    1. The pictures are of famous personalities/places etc. which can be easily identified. Please try. RM

  5. Replies
    1. 1.शेर 2.चिड़िया 3.लोमड़ी 4.बादल 5.कछुआ 6.मछली 7.कौआ 8.मुर्गा 9.हंस 10.बैल 11.पौधे(एकवचन)को 12.बिजली 13.तारे 14.फूल/तितली

  6. Replies
    1. Worksheet 3. - 1.ताजमहल,,3.नेताजी सुभाषचन्द्र बोस,4.तिरंगा,5.श्रीराम,6.श्रीगणेश,7.हनुमानजी,8.गाॅंधीजी,9.कुतुबमीनार,10.लालकिला,11.बराक ओबामा,12.इंडिया गेट।

      Worksheet 4.-1.धरती/पृथ्वी,2.चंद्रमा,3.इंडिया गेट,4.शिवजी,5.अकबर/सम्राट,6.चार मीनार,7.श्रीकृष्ण,8.रक्षा बंधन/राखी,9.सरस्वती जी,10.अमिताभ बच्चन,11.इंदिरा गाॅंधी,12.सूरज,13.दिवाली/दीपावली,14.कुरान,15.भगत सिंह,16.होली,17.श्री जवाहरलाल नेहरू,18.बिल गेट्स।

  7. 1.शेर,2.चिड़िया,3.लोमड़ी,4.बादल,5.कछुआ,6.मछली,7.कौआ,8.मुर्गा,9.हंस,10.बैल,11.पौधे,12.बिजली,13.तारे,14.तितली/फूल।
