

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Visheshan (Adjective ) - 3 Describing words for Preschool

Visheshan (Adjectives) are the words which describe a person, place or a thing. Kids unknowingly, use describing words for the same.
Before planning any worksheet for introducing Visheshan (Adjective), an Adjective Sorting game should be introduced as group activity just to teach the basic concept of describing words or Visheshan (Adjective).
Adjective sorting game – This is an interesting and simple activity to introduce the describing words or adjectives.
Preparation –
·       Take three baskets and paste the captions of colour (रंग), size/shape (आकार), feelings (भावना)   and place the baskets on a table in front of the class.
·       Prepare a deck of colourful adjective flashcards.
colour (रंग)- red, blue, yellow, green, orange, brown, black and white, size/shape (आकार) - big/small, short/tall, fat/thin, round, triangular, square, oval and feelings (भावना) – happy/sad, angry/laughing,
·       Pick up a card from the deck e.g. a smiling face. Ask them if a smile is a colour, a size/shape or a feeling?
   Once they have correctly identified the type of adjective smiling card as feelings, place the card in the corresponding basket. 
Group activity on Sensory Descriptions
Preparation :
·       Divide the kids into the groups of five.
·       Make five- round tokens and label them as per the five senses, Sight (दृष्टि/नज़र), Smell (गंध/सूंघ), Sound (ध्वनि/आवाज़), Taste (स्वाद), Touch (छूना/स्पर्श). Distribute these five tokens to each group and kid can pick up one token each and identify it.
Ø   At a later stage, you can include flashcards based on Number (गिनती/संख्या), Weather (मौसम), Shape (आकार), Size ( बनावट ).
·       Keep some assorted objects in every group for sensory description by each kid based on five tokens he/she has.
e.g. a ball, coin, paper, candy and a feather.
                Ask them to pick up each object and describe it
                according to the token they have. They may come up
               with funny/silly observations too, but that is the fun of
               group games.
Fishing for adjectives
This group activity requires prior preparations by tutors/parents but it can also be played with other introductory topics like Noun and verbs.
·       Create several colourful flashcards by writing nouns, adjectives and verbs in bold letters and fix a paper clip to them.
·       Make a simple fishing rod, from cane or bamboo and tie a magnet to the end of the fishing line.
·       Spread out the cards face-up on the floor of the classroom.
·       Before this fishing activity for adjectives begins, make sure kids can differentiate between the adjectives and non-adjectives.
·       Next step is to ask each child to come forward and ‘fish’ for an adjective flashcard from the spread-out cards with the help of a magnetic fishing rod.   
·       When they successfully pick out a flashcard with an adjective, ask them to name an object and use that adjective to describe it.
Educational group activities are very effective and play an important role in learning a concept. Children don’t even realize that they are learning while playing. The fun learning environment takes the stress off and kids learn fast. When the concept of the adjective is clear to the kids then worksheets can be introduced.

These are a few simple activities for introducing Visheshan (Adjectives). Your suggestions are most welcome.
 Happy teaching !!!!