

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Kriya ( Verb ) - 2 The action words for Preschool

Before kids are taught formal grammar, they should be introduced to the basics of grammar by play way method in group activities. e.g.- Sangya- naming words (Noun), Kriya – action words (Verbs). Visheshan- describing words (Adjectives). There are many interesting activities to introduce the basics of grammar at the preschool level.

The play way group activity engages them practically so that they remember the topic introduced that action word describes something which a person can do.
·       Form a small group of kids and ask them to come up in front of the classroom and perform certain acts, e.g. walk, hop, read, write, laugh, colouring, sing, eat, talk, see, listen, sleep etc. Ask the rest of the class what they are doing and give a word to that action. This way we can introduce the concept of action words.
·       Ask them to draw pictures or paste pictures of different actions from magazines and make their own Kriya(verb) flash/index cards and tell the class which action they have drawn individually.
·       We can write the word for each action word in each flashcard.
Since they have already been introduced to the concept of Sangya (Noun), they should be encouraged to form short sentences with a noun and the action word.  
These are a few simple activities for introducing Kriya (verb). Your suggestions are most welcome. Happy teaching !!!!


Friday, August 2, 2019

Preparatory School - Varnamala (Swar Vyanjan ) 2 - Vyanjan

In pictorial Varnamala 2 Vyanjans or consonants have been covered. In Hindi Vyanjan (Consonants) are 33.

        क वर्ग          -  क ख ग घ ङ   

        च वर्ग          -  च छ ज झ ञ

        ट वर्ग          -  ट ठ ड ढ ण (ड़ ढ़)

        त वर्ग          -  त थ द ध न

        प वर्ग          -  प फ ब भ म

        अंत:स्थल वर्ग    -  य र ल व

        ऊष्म वर्ग             -  श ष स ह

               संयुक्त वर्ग      -  क्ष त्र ज्ञ

In pictorial Varnamala 2 – Vyanjan, each alphabet has more than one picture identifying with one particular varna (alphabet) and kids should be encouraged to probe and find more objects as it not only improves their vocabulary but also improves their observation power. 




Happy Teaching !!!!!!!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Sangya (Noun) – 1.The naming words for Preschool

Before kids are taught formal grammar, they should be introduced to the basics of grammar by play way method in group activities. e.g.- Sangya- naming words (Noun), Visheshan- describing words (Adjectives), Kriya – action words (Verbs). There are many interesting activities to introduce the basics of grammar at the preschool level.

Sangya or Noun is naming a word which identifies people, animals, places and things. Before starting any activity to introduce Sangya (Noun) we can ask kids the following set of general questions –
            1.   What is your name?/ Your friend’s name?
            2.   Are you a boy or a girl?
            3.   Where do you live?
            4.   Where do you go to study?
            5.   Name some animals.
            6.   Name some birds.
            7.   Which is your favourite bird?
            8.   Do you write with a pencil or crayon?
            9.   Which fruit do you like to eat?
     10.     Who all are there in your family?

The answers can be put under each category people, animals, places and things on board, explain the naming words and then ask them for more examples in each category.

Next group activity is giving jumbled up cutouts/flashcard with names written at the back and ask them to sort it out and place them in the right category of naming words. For each category, we can put a box or a basket to put the cards. ( ref. Worksheet 10)  

Colourful worksheets can be created with pictures and ask them to colour as per instructions categorizing them as a person, animal, place and thing.

These are a few simple activities for Sangya. Your suggestions are most welcome. Happy teaching!!!!



Saturday, March 2, 2019

Primary School - Conjunct Consonants (Sanyukt Vyanjan) -2

(Continuing from Conjunct Consonant -1)
In Hindi Varnamala there are 4 sanyukt varna, क्ष, त्र, ज्ञ, श्र.
·       क्ष – क् + ष
·       त्र – त् + र
·       ज्ञ – ज + ञ
·       श्र – श् + र
The worksheets cover some variables of conjunct consonants. Once kids learn to comprehend these combinations they won’t make spelling mistakes.

The next set of worksheets of Sanyukt Vyanjan - 3 has pictorial sentences. I would be uploading them soon.

Enjoy teaching them with love and patience. Happy teaching !!!!






Primary School - Conjunct Consonants (Sanyukt Vyanjan) 1

Conjunct Consonants (Sanyukt Vyanjan) are a combination of two or more consonant letters (vyanjans). They are formed by combining two letters with no vowel (swar-अ) sound to it. It often changes the shape of the letters.
From time to time they appear in the text, nothing to worry about these conjunct letters.
·       In Hindi Varnamala there are 33 consonants(vyanjans) and 23 consonants have a vertical line/stroke.
    ख, ग, घ / च, ज, झ, ञ / ण / त, थ, ध, न / प, ब, भ,      म / ल, व / श, ष, स ।
When these consonants are joined the vertical line of the first consonant is removed and connected to the second consonant in full form. e.g –
ख् + य – ख्य / ग् + व – ग्व / त् + व – त्व .........
·        Alphabets like क/फ have a half loop/hook, which is shortened and joined to the next alphabet. e.g. –
क् + ख – क्ख/ क् + य – क्य
· Vyanjan lacks vertical stroke. The second Vyanjan after द् is reduced in size and placed underneath . e.g. –
द् + व – द्व,  द् + ध – द्धद् + य – द्य
·        (A) Alphabet r(a)/has different rule to follow. Whenever a half Vyanjan is joined to r(a)/, it is reduced in size and a short stroke is attached to the vyanjan. e.g. –
क् + र – क्र,  ग् + र – ग्र, प् + र – प्र
क् + र + म – क्रम, ब् + र + ज - ब्रज
(when we pronounce these conjunct consonants the sound of r(a)/ comes after the half Vyanjan.)
(B) When r(a)/ appears as half vyanjan र् in between a word,  in that case, र् takes an upward curve form above the next Vyanjan. e.g. –
र् + म – र्म,     र् + च – र्च,    र् + द – र्द
क + र् + म – कर्म,    ब + र् + ज - बर्ज
 (It is to be noted that no word starts with र्, it always appears in between the alphabets.)
(C) With ट् (ta), ठ् (tha), ड् (da), ढ् (dha) छ् (cha) appears as ¼ ª½ below the Vyanjan. e.g. –
ट् + र – ट्र,   ड् + र – ड्र, ......
ट् + र + क – ट्रक,   ड् + र + म - ड्रम 

Conjunct Consonants (Sanyukt Vyanjan) may appear complex but with little practice and fun, kids can master it. 

Enjoy the worksheets posted in the second post of Conjunct Consonants (Sanyukt Vyanjan) - 2 and if you feel that they are useful for you, please leave a comment and press the Follow button. Happy teaching !!!

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Hindi Poems

Hindi poems written by our eminent poets have a special place in the Hindi language. Poems written in simple language is a wonderful way to encourage language development.

I still remember the poems I learnt almost 50 years back. I have tried to compile those poems, simple yet rich in imagery and usage of words by great poets of our country.

Poetry is a wonderful way to encourage language development at the school level. Reciting poems not only builds up confidence but it helps in expression.

These simple poems are easy to memorize and fun to recite loudly in front of audience/in the classroom.

In case readers want any particular poem for their kids, please feel free to get in touch via mail or the comment section. Happy learning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







Saturday, January 26, 2019

Creative writing -1 Concept Maps

The most agonizing moments for us parents are when kids come from the school with a topic and ask for our help to write a composition in 10 sentences or so. All of us have faced such situations.
While teaching I had a chance to discuss this problem with my sister. She suggested the idea of concept maps. I tried it in my classroom in the form of group activity and kids just loved it. Within no time they started creating their own concept maps, to write short passages as well as essays.
I’ve created concept maps on some very common topics In this post I’m sharing concept maps on four topics e.g. – My father/ mother/ family/ school.               
This is an effort to help kids as well as parents who struggle to write a simple passage/paragraph. Readers can suggest some more topics.
Your suggestions are most welcome, feel free to ask for the printable worksheets in the PDF format.

Happy Teaching!!!!!