

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Swar Vyanjan - Matra ( ऋ pronounced Ri)

This is the last post for the section dealing with the basics of matra. /_ is an alphabet which often occurs/used in Sanskrit words. The matra is pronounced as Ri. Children get confused with the pronunciation and write the alphabet with matra of इ ( ि). The difference can be understood with ample practice.

This matra comes with practice in Primary classes and not in the Preparatory section. At the beginners level, kids need a lot of patience to help them to learn the written language.

The worksheets contain simple Sanskrit words found in the Hindi language at the school level.

In case readers have some more words for this section then please feel free to share so they may be included in practice worksheets.

All the worksheets are in PDF image (png/jpeg) format. Please contact for printable worksheets if you find them useful for your kids/students.

Happy teaching !!!!!!

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