

Monday, April 9, 2018

Varnamala ( Swar, Vyanjan) 1 - Swar

The difficult task in teaching is to teach the basics of a language - alphabets. Children love colourful pictures, rhymes, music. They pick up very fast when they are taught with the help of colourful pictures and rhymes and retain them.

While introducing alphabets it is important to point out the articles around matching with alphabet sound. Since they are comfortable with their mother tongue so they should be encouraged to probe with the sounds and play with the alphabetical sounds. They should be encouraged to identify objects related to each alphabet.

Once they are successful with identification of alphabets then written form of alphabets is introduced. It is a herculean task for the kids, teachers and parents. It requires a lot of patience n perseverance to teach little monkeys to hold a pencil and write.

In Hindi Swar (Vowels) are 13.
, , , , , , , , , , , अं, :

In pictorial Varnamala each alphabet has more than one picture identifying with one particular varna (alphabet) and kids should be encouraged to probe and find more objects as it improves their vocabulary and improves their observation power.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

As a teacher for the last 33 years, I always felt that childhood is not a race to see how quickly a child can learn to hold a book or a pencil and learn to read and write. Childhood is a small window of time to learn and develop at a pace which is right for each individual child.

  I have always felt that a child’s basic need is to have firm Roots to grow into a confident person and Wings of imagination to fly to wider horizons.

Roots help kids to bind them to their family, culture, heritage while Wings help them to dream and help in their brain development. Loving our mother tongue comes closest to love our roots.

All the languages are beautiful. Before a child learns other languages, he/she must learn to love what is their own….. mother tongue. In my case, I love Hindi and Sanskrit and the global language, English. 

I have created graded worksheets in Hindi for Preparatory and Primary classes. The pictorial worksheets catch their attention making learning interesting and the footnotes help the parents or teachers to guide the kids. 

 Creative writing topics are in the form of concept maps, making it easy for the kids to develop the habit of creative writing.

Puzzle section is an easy yet interesting way to learn and recapitulating the words learnt in Hindi. A vast collection of popular Hindi poems for kids is also available.

All the DIY worksheets are in PDF format. It is not possible to post all the worksheets here, so for more worksheets, readers are welcome to contact me.

  This is my humble effort to help kids to love Hindi and learn it with ease.  Your valuable suggestions and contributions are most welcome. Take care and have fun teaching your little ones.
If you are visiting my blog and feel that the worksheets are useful for your kids, then please hit the follow button and leave a comment. I would love to have feedback. Happy teaching !!!!!!

Hindi Varnamala - Swar, Vyanjan Worksheets 1

Basics letters of any language are alphabets. Hindi Varnamala has alphabets (Varna) Swar (Vowels) and Vyanjan (Consonants). I’m posting images of the Varnamal worksheets for Preparatory school kids.
I am sure they would be helpful to the parents/tutors to guide the kids in their learning process.


If you are visiting my blog and feel that the worksheets are useful for your kids, then please hit the follow button and leave a comment. I would love to have feedback.